Monday, June 25, 2018

Reminder for everyone.  We are swimming on Monday and Tuesday afternoon of this week. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Fabulous potluck today - I ate too much as I'm sure everyone else did.  Thanks to all the parents who made our wonderful meal possible.

The following note was sent home with the grade 7 parents today:

Tuesday, June 12, 2017

Dear Parents/Guardians of Grade 7 students:

This is a friendly reminder that we need your help to ensure that our Grade Eight Farewell is a success.  As we have done in previous years, the grade seven students and their parents, provide the desserts/dainties and the service for the reception following the farewell ceremony.  This is happening one week from today on Tuesday, June 19th.  Some of you have already responded to our original newsletter.  Tammy Lueken, Jenn Robertson, Kaleb Grittner, Karen Schlamp and Sabiha Othman have volunteered to help with the reception but we still need many more names for organizing the reception on the morning and the evening of the reception.  We also need to have a few volunteers to take the lead in the organizing and serving of the reception.  Our current parent volunteers are listed below:

Tammy Lueken
Sabiha Othman
Karen Schlamp
Kaleb Girttner
Jenn Robertson

  The attached list shows what contributions are being provided from each family.
We do not yet have a commitment to provide dainties/squares from all of our grade seven students.  Remember, next year this event will be for you and at that time you will be taken care of by the grade seven class of next year.  All food items need to be brought to the Arts/Science room on the morning of June 19th and they must be entirely nut-free.  Thank you for your assistance.


Angela Scott, Marilyn Embury, Kyle DuMont, Kevin Yeske, Taylor Hollinger

Monday, June 11, 2018

Good afternoon everyone:

Today several of you had one more wake up call about overdue assignments.  Please remember that the latest I can take in any of these assignments is this Wednesday, June 13th.

Our class potluck is tomorrow.  Remember your food.  Also due right away - all library books.  If you have any books at home, please bring them back asap. 

Have a great day everyone.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Good afternoon everyone.

We are into our final month of the school year.  We have a lot of important dates coming up so please keep your eyes on the Important Dates for June.  Tomorrow is Track and Field.  Competing students need to come dressed for track, bring a lunch and plenty of water.  There will be a canteen available so bringing money is also an option.  Other students are expected to be at school for the day.

As we are into our final month, it is sometimes difficult to stay focused and on top of assignments.  Please remember that we have 17 school days left and each of those days are important.  Stay focused, keep getting assignments done and attendance is still very important.  We're almost there!