Friday, December 18, 2020

Friday, December 18, Home Learning Day Plan


Good morning everyone.  You made it!!!!!  It's our last day of school before Christmas holidays.  Here is our plan for the day . . . 

9:30    Morning homeroom meet

        *    Attendance

        *    Read aloud "Allies"

        *    Discussion - all assignments and due dates

        *    Class lesson - our baking class this afternoon:     


10:30    Morning work period:  Extra Christmas activities:

12:45    Afternoon baking class

2:00    Early dismissal 

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Thursday, December 17: Home Learning Day Plan

 Good morning.  Here is our plan for the day . . .

9:30    -    Homeroom meet

        *    Attendance

        *    Read aloud "Allies"

        *    Review overdue assignments and assignments due today (Casey at the Bat, Elf Cover Letter)

        *    Lesson:  writing a formal letter

        *    Assignment:  The Charge of the Light Brigade Letter to the Editor


10:15    -    Break

10:30    -    Work Period

12:45    -    Math 

        *    Lesson 2.3 - Adding Integers on a Number Line


2:00    -    French Google Meet:

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Wednesday, December 16: Home Learning Day Plan

 Good morning and welcome.  Here is our plan for the day.

9:30    -    Classroom morning meeting:

            * Attendance

            * Read aloud "Allies"

            * Review assignment due dates and expectations

            * ELA - new assignment, "The Charge of the Light Brigade" 


10:30    -    Online work period

12:45    -    Math meeting

            * Math 7 assignment:

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Tuesday, December 15, Home Learning Day Plan


Good morning class.  Here is our plan for the day . . . 

9:30 - 10:15 - Homeroom Meeting

           * Attendance, 

           * Read: "Allies"

           * Discussion:  Elf cover letters - what needs to be fixed, resubmitting assignments, what else is due?

           * Casey at the Bat - any questions - due today

           New Social Studies assignment:

12:45 - 1:15:        Math 7 meeting (Grade 8's meet with Mr. Yeske)

            * Today's Math assignment:

1:00    New assignment in Science Google Classroom will be posted.  Make sure to look out for that!

2:00:    Arts Ed meeting with Mrs. Reschny

Monday, December 14, 2020

 Good morning class.  Here is our plan for the day.

9:15 - 10:30:        Homeroom morning meeting:  

    *    Read aloud "Allies"

    *    Careers lesson - possible jobs and related skills;

            * Assignment:  Elf Cover Letter:

    * ELA lesson - poetry, "Casey at the Bat"

            * Assignment:  questions:

12:45 - 1:15:        Math 7 meeting (Grade 8's meet with Mr. Yeske)

    *    Introduction to integers - vocabulary assignment

    *    Lesson 2.1 - practice questions assignment:

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Good afternoon everyone.  Here are a few pictures of our afternoon.  Some were more successful than others . . . not everyone will be an engineer later in life and that's OK!!!!


Tuesday, December 8, 2020

 Good afternoon/evening everyone.  As you all know by now, this is our last week of in-class school.  We will of course, be continuing with our learning online during the week of December 14th - 18th, but this is the last week that we will be together before the holidays.  With that in mind, we have a few details that we want to do together this week.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) we will be using part of the afternoon to create our ugly Christmas masks.  Masks and decorations will be provided but you are also welcome to bring our own additional supplies as well.  Glue will be needed!

On Thursday we will be creating our gingerbread houses.  This is is not a year of smashing cookies and candies together, just to stuff as much as you can in your mouths or throw at each other.  This year I expect everyone to actually BUILD a gingerbread house and DECORATE it carefully.  Please participate appropriately. 

Friday afternoon will be Christmas movie time.  We will be choosing, as a class, which movie to watch but the choices will likely be Elf or Home Alone.  If you have any other suggestions let me know ahead of time.

Have a great evening everyone.  I'll see you tomorrow.

Monday, November 9, 2020

 Good afternoon.  We are planning on going tobogganing for our Phys. Ed. class tomorrow morning.  Please come dressed appropriately for the weather and bring your own sled.   As is the case with everything else, we CANNOT share!

Poppies will be handed out tomorrow.  If you are able to make a donation on SchoolCashOnline, that would be greatly appreciated.

Friday, November 6, 2020

 Hello everyone.  Thanks for a good week!  I think one of my favourite things about this class this year is how inclusive everyone is.  I really appreciate the way you all tend to look out for each other.

Keep an eye on the Homework Updates.  I don't want anyone to fall behind.  Take care and have a fabulous weekend.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

 Good afternoon everyone.  I hope you had a great weekend.  We are already into our final week of October, even though it feels like we just started back to school a couple of weeks ago.

A few students brought their pumpkin carving creations to school today.  Remember, the carving contest lasts all week, so get your creations here.  We are planning on having a costume day on Friday with a movie afternoon that same day.  Unfortunately, we are not allowed snacks or drinks during the movie.  Also, please refrain from bringing treats to share as this is also not allowed at this time.

Please keep an eye on the homework updates.  We are working hard but we have to keep it up.

Thanks for checking in!

Monday, October 19, 2020

 Hi everyone.  This is just a reminder that we are now removing outdoor shoes when we come into the school.  Please have a clean pair of indoor shoes at the school that can be used for Phys. Ed.  

Thanks and have a fabulous evening.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving

 Hello Everyone.

I have a couple of things I need to remind you about.  Please bring indoor runners to school to wear for Phys. Ed.  These shoes should not also be worn outside.  It would be perfect to have one pair of of shoes, left in the locker.

Please keep an eye on the Homework Updates.  It's only October but we are already losing steam and focus with some of our homework assignments.  We need to stay on top of everything, each day so that we don't become overwhelmed.

I'm sure I don't need to remind anyone that Monday is a holiday.  Enjoy the extra day off and I will see you on Tuesday.

Friday, October 2, 2020

 Hello everyone.  

I'm sure you're glad the weekend is here.  I hope you get a chance to relax and catch up on sleep.  I have been noticing that some of our classmates are not really all that awake in the morning.  Please remember to put the video games away at a reasonable hour each night, and to eat a healthy breakfast before coming to school each day.  It makes a huge difference.

We have some good news that I forgot to share in class today.  Starting next week, our pod will have access to the gym for our Phys. Ed. time.  That means it's time to have indoor shoes here at the school.  Please bring your indoor shoes to school on Monday to leave in your locker so that we are ready to go for our first gym time.

Keep an eye on the Homework Updates and the Important Dates of the Month.  One thing to keep in mind is our Dream Board assignment.   Several of our classmates did not have their Dream Board materials here in class today.  We all need to be prepared for our assignments and the designated work periods for those assignments.

One last little thing . . . picture orders are due October 7th!!!

Have a great weekend everyone.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

 Hello everyone.  We have one day left in our week this week.  Friday is a PD day so there will be no classes that day.

Since we are unable to do large group activities this year, our Terry Fox Walk will not be done with the whole school at the same time.  We will be taking our own Terry Fox Walk with our homeroom tomorrow morning at 9:35 am.  Donations to the Terry Fox Foundation can be made online.

Thanks for a wonderful week everyone and I'll see you tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

 Hello everyone.  Remember that it is picture day tomorrow, so you know . . . comb your hair!!!  

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

 Good afternoon everyone.  We have had a couple of great days here with the whole crew learning together.  I'm so impressed with everyone's attitude.  Please keep it up.

Please note that there are a few homework updates.  If you are viewing this blog on your phone and you cannot see the updates column, switch to desktop view and you should be able to see everything that is going on.

A couple notes are going home with students today.  One is a letter from the SCC and the other is a reminder of Picture Day, which for us is on Thursday.

That's all for now.  Have a great evening.  

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Welcome Back!!!


Hello everyone.  Welcome back to an exciting (and different) new school year.  I'm thrilled that you are in my class and even though we have to come to school dressed like ninjas everyday, I know it's going to be great.

This is the place to check in everyday to learn what homework is due and other reminders.  And here is your first reminder:  All of those forms that were sent home with you for your parent's signature need to be returned ASAP.  Thanks for helping me out with this!

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Jack MacKenzie Students and Families,

On behalf of the school, please accept this letter as appreciation for your support in this difficult time! In the face of adversity this community has a strong history of pulling together to support each other. The rapidly changing response to the Covid 19 outbreak has challenged us to think about all the factors that will need to be adjusted to keep everyone safe moving forward. We appreciate your patience as we start to put together a plan to support health and safety as well as education goals.

Mostly at this time we want to encourage you to think about health and safety first. Focusing on having your children at home as family time is the very best thing for now! We know that this sudden stop to all school activity comes as a shock to normalcy in all of our daily lives. We encourage you to think of it through this lens knowing that your children may be worried and stressed. Some down time to settle and re-connect as a family is critical at this time! Further, we at the school are trying to keep things as calm and celebratory as possible. If this is the end of the school year, it is important to send students off on a high note in appreciation and celebration for their achievements this year. We have asked staff to treat these days like the last days of June in order to try to achieve this positive tone before saying goodbye for the school break.

With regard to treating these days like the last days of school in June we have a few requests to wrap things up on our end. If you have any library books, text books, assistive technology, school sports jerseys, band instruments or other items that belong to the school, please return them as soon as possible. The school remains open this week as normal for this purpose. Items can be dropped off at the main office.

If you paid online for events that are no longer occurring, in almost all cases these items will be refunded. However, please understand that the volume of office tasks may cause a slight delay in this process. Your patience is appreciated.

The Ministry has set Friday, March 13th as a cutoff date for all tasks and assignments. This means that any assignments or assessments this week or planned for future dates will not be included in final grades.  If your child has any outstanding assignments up to the Ministry’s cut-off date of March 13th, these can still be turned in for credit. All students will be promoted to the next grade for the fall.

The Ministry of Education and Regina Public Schools are in consultation about academic supports for home study for the remainder of the school year. No decisions have yet been communicated. Therefore, we encourage your child to continue with online tools such as Mathletics, Reading A-Z, Pearson Portal, Duo lingo etc. that they are already set up on. Reading at home is also of critical importance. When more information is available, we will communicate this through classroom teachers and our school’s webpage. Please know that the creation and distribution of home study materials is not any individual teacher’s responsibility. There will be a Division coordinated plan prepared and communicated that may take some time to put in place. Please be patient knowing that we fully appreciate your interest in having on-going academic supports for your children.

We also understand that there are many events and activities that have been put in limbo. The SCC Executive and School Administration have begun a dialogue to create the best possible adjusted plan for wrapping up the Read a Thon and dealing with important transitional events that normally occur in May and June. More details will be coming in this regard. This includes planning around Grade 8 high school transitions and Kindergarten orientation for the fall.

Finally, we know that this time is difficult for everyone. Our hearts go out to all the students for whom this change in their school year has caused stress and anxiety. We also feel for all of those families who are struggling right now with illness or worry about keeping themselves and their kids safe. We also recognize that school cancellation puts a great burden on families for child care and home study. Please know that we will continue to be available for support by email, phone call and social media and that we will put plans into place as quickly as we can to support all of these stressors. For now, we hope you can find joy in the family time together and that you can find time to reach out and continue to show kindness to others who may be struggling within the community. This is one more challenge this community will get through by upholding Mr. MacKenzie’s motto of effort and kindness.

Yours in education,
Mr. J. Fladager

To Jack Mackenzie Families,

Thank you for your support and positivity during this time.  We encourage you to please remain up to date with changes through our school’s website, through the Regina Public school’s website and social media.
For the time being, students and their families can return to school until end of day on Thursday March 19th to obtain their school supplies should they choose to do so.  It is not imperative that this happen.
Regarding homework; at this time planning is taking place from our division and ministry.  Please be patient as we wait for direction in how we will be able to continue to support learning.  As soon as we know, we will let you all know.

Thank you again for your patience, understanding and flexibility.

Your Jack Mackenzie Team.

Friday, March 13, 2020

To all students and parents.  

A note is being sent home today from the school board, regarding the COVID-19 virus.  In addition to this, the following information also needs to be noted.

Here is some additional information regarding COVID-19:

1)      Three-way conferences are being postponed until further notice.  Students will be attending class as usual.  Transportation is in place.
2)      Science Fairs can be held internally only - no parents or public allowed
3)      Pre-K family days and home visits are cancelled
4)      External guest speakers are to be cancelled
5)      SSWIS workers can continue to visit schools
6)      All elementary transportation during the school day is cancelled.  Transportation to and from school remains the same.
7)      MYPAA will be postponed until further notice.
8)      CRP classes will continue with extra precautions.
9)      All Credit Phys Ed (out of school) is cancelled until further notice.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Good afternoon everyone.  This is a reminder that we are going skating tomorrow afternoon.  Please bring skates that fit so that you are able to participate.  If you choose to play hockey, you need to have a helmet with a face cage.  If you do not have a helmet on, you are not permitted on to the hockey end of the ice.

Also, tomorrow night, the SCC is hosting a family fun night here at the school.  This will run from 6:30 - 8:00 pm and includes activities such as floor hockey, obstacle races, various board games, face painting, and reading in the library.  Popcorn will be provided but please bring your own water bottle.

Have a great evening and I will see you tomorrow.

Friday, February 7, 2020

What a fabulous lunch.  Thank you to everyone who contributed to our potluck today.  It was delicious.

Next week is our "Show Your Love" week.  We will kick off Monday with showing our love for comfort.  Come dressed in what you are most comfortable in, as long as you are actually dressed!  Also, remember to bring a few loonies to purchase a kindness gram or two and send someone a note of friendship.

Happy Friday everyone.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Hello everybody.

This is just a reminder that our class potluck is tomorrow.  Please make sure you understand any special instructions regarding your meal, such as: does it need to be refrigerated?  Does it need to be heated up?  Let's make sure we know exactly what to do with the food we are bringing before we get to school in the morning.

Please keep an eye on the Homework Updates.  The overdue list is growing longer by the day and we need to get on top of those assignments now.  Some of you are planning on leaving on holidays over the next few weeks.  Please make sure that overdue assignments are handed in before you leave.

Have a great evening everyone and I'll see you tomorrow. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Hello everyone.

We are having our second, class potluck this Friday.  We originally scheduled this for last Friday but too many students forgot and I failed to send out the reminder.  Please take note of the picture below to check what you signed up for.  If you were not here when we signed up for this potluck, feel free to join someone else in the cost/effort of what they are bringing or bring whatever you would like.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

One thing I forgot to mention on the blog post on Friday - we are going skating tomorrow afternoon.  Please bring your skates.  If you wish to play hockey, you will need a helmet with face cage.  If you do not have a helmet with you, you will not be permitted in to the hockey end of the ice.  Please make sure you have paid online for this field trip.

See you tomorrow.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Good afternoon everyone.  Sadly, we have decided to postpone our potluck to next Friday.  Not enough students remembered and I hate to have parents rushing around at the last minute.  I apologize to anyone who was already prepared for tomorrow.

Mr. Yeske plans to take the Phys. Ed. classes tobogganing tomorrow.  Come prepared!!!

Keep an eye on the Homework Updates.  Let's start Term 2 off strong!!!!!

Monday, January 27, 2020

We are tobogganing tomorrow for Phys. Ed.  Come dressed for the weather and bring your toboggan!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Dear Grade 8 Parents . . .

Grade 8 School Clothing
Last chance to order a grade 8 “senior” hoodie!!

If anyone missed ordering a hoodie in September and would now like one, we are offering a last chance - provided we can collect a minimum number of orders.

If you are interested, please complete the order form below, and send it along with a cheque made payable MAC PAC before Thursday, January 30th.

-       IF we collect a minimum of 6 orders, we will be able to proceed.
-       IF we do not collect at least 6 orders, we will not meet the minimum needed and your order form and cheque will be returned.

Hoodies are black & gold ATC moisture wicking polyester fleece, with Jack MacKenzie Seniors coyote logo and Class of 2020 on right sleeve.


Student’s Name:______________________________________________

Size (please circle):
          Youth:                                     Small           Medium       Large          X-Large
          Adult:                   X-Small        Small           Medium       Large          X-Large

Name or Personalization (Optional, additional cost):
Full Back Heat Pressed (add $7):____________________________________
Full Back Embroidery (add $15):_____________________________________
Embroidery on left sleeve (add $5)__________________________________

Email Address:________________________________________________

Cheque Number: _________________
-       please make cheque payable to MACPAC
-       Cost is $50.00, plus any optional personalization

If you have any questions, please contact Candice Oremba at

Exchanges and refunds are not possible as our supplier only makes up what we order.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Happy New Year everyone.  Thanks for a great day back to school.  We are on our official countdown to report cards at the end of the month so please make sure to stay on top of all of your assignments.  If you are behind on anything, now is the time to catch up.  Day one tomorrow!!!