Friday, February 7, 2020

What a fabulous lunch.  Thank you to everyone who contributed to our potluck today.  It was delicious.

Next week is our "Show Your Love" week.  We will kick off Monday with showing our love for comfort.  Come dressed in what you are most comfortable in, as long as you are actually dressed!  Also, remember to bring a few loonies to purchase a kindness gram or two and send someone a note of friendship.

Happy Friday everyone.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Hello everybody.

This is just a reminder that our class potluck is tomorrow.  Please make sure you understand any special instructions regarding your meal, such as: does it need to be refrigerated?  Does it need to be heated up?  Let's make sure we know exactly what to do with the food we are bringing before we get to school in the morning.

Please keep an eye on the Homework Updates.  The overdue list is growing longer by the day and we need to get on top of those assignments now.  Some of you are planning on leaving on holidays over the next few weeks.  Please make sure that overdue assignments are handed in before you leave.

Have a great evening everyone and I'll see you tomorrow. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Hello everyone.

We are having our second, class potluck this Friday.  We originally scheduled this for last Friday but too many students forgot and I failed to send out the reminder.  Please take note of the picture below to check what you signed up for.  If you were not here when we signed up for this potluck, feel free to join someone else in the cost/effort of what they are bringing or bring whatever you would like.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

One thing I forgot to mention on the blog post on Friday - we are going skating tomorrow afternoon.  Please bring your skates.  If you wish to play hockey, you will need a helmet with face cage.  If you do not have a helmet with you, you will not be permitted in to the hockey end of the ice.  Please make sure you have paid online for this field trip.

See you tomorrow.