Tuesday, October 27, 2020

 Good afternoon everyone.  I hope you had a great weekend.  We are already into our final week of October, even though it feels like we just started back to school a couple of weeks ago.

A few students brought their pumpkin carving creations to school today.  Remember, the carving contest lasts all week, so get your creations here.  We are planning on having a costume day on Friday with a movie afternoon that same day.  Unfortunately, we are not allowed snacks or drinks during the movie.  Also, please refrain from bringing treats to share as this is also not allowed at this time.

Please keep an eye on the homework updates.  We are working hard but we have to keep it up.

Thanks for checking in!

Monday, October 19, 2020

 Hi everyone.  This is just a reminder that we are now removing outdoor shoes when we come into the school.  Please have a clean pair of indoor shoes at the school that can be used for Phys. Ed.  

Thanks and have a fabulous evening.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving

 Hello Everyone.

I have a couple of things I need to remind you about.  Please bring indoor runners to school to wear for Phys. Ed.  These shoes should not also be worn outside.  It would be perfect to have one pair of of shoes, left in the locker.

Please keep an eye on the Homework Updates.  It's only October but we are already losing steam and focus with some of our homework assignments.  We need to stay on top of everything, each day so that we don't become overwhelmed.

I'm sure I don't need to remind anyone that Monday is a holiday.  Enjoy the extra day off and I will see you on Tuesday.

Friday, October 2, 2020

 Hello everyone.  

I'm sure you're glad the weekend is here.  I hope you get a chance to relax and catch up on sleep.  I have been noticing that some of our classmates are not really all that awake in the morning.  Please remember to put the video games away at a reasonable hour each night, and to eat a healthy breakfast before coming to school each day.  It makes a huge difference.

We have some good news that I forgot to share in class today.  Starting next week, our pod will have access to the gym for our Phys. Ed. time.  That means it's time to have indoor shoes here at the school.  Please bring your indoor shoes to school on Monday to leave in your locker so that we are ready to go for our first gym time.

Keep an eye on the Homework Updates and the Important Dates of the Month.  One thing to keep in mind is our Dream Board assignment.   Several of our classmates did not have their Dream Board materials here in class today.  We all need to be prepared for our assignments and the designated work periods for those assignments.

One last little thing . . . picture orders are due October 7th!!!

Have a great weekend everyone.