Thursday, March 23, 2017

Good afternoon everyone.  Thank you to all of those families who were able to make it to our Celebration of Learning last night.  If you were not able to be here, you still have an opportunity to participate on Friday morning anytime from 9:00 am to 11:45 am.    Be sure to let me know if you would prefer to have a sit-down conference as well as/instead of.  Students, remember that there are no classes on Friday (as if I really needed to remind you).

The following note is going home today.   Please pay online and return the signed form no later than Tuesday, March 28th, 2017.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Dear Parents/Guardians:
Our grade 7/8 class has the fantastic opportunity to attend a Do It with Class matinee of Mary Poppins.  The show features a few of our Jack MacKenzie students and we are excited to watch their performance.  The Perkowitsch family has graciously offered to sponsor our class, leaving our students with only the cost of the bus of $2.00 per student.  This show is taking place during the afternoon of Thursday, March 30th
Please indicate your child’s permission to attend by signing the form below and pay the total of $2.00, online on or before Tuesday, March 28, 2017.


Angela Scott

Grade 8 parents, please  make note of the following letter that was sent home yesterday:

March 22nd, 2017
Dear Parents/Guardians,

You are invited to attend a parent information meeting regarding the Grade 8 Farewell.  The meeting will be held in the library at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 29th , 2017.

Our  Grade 8 Farewell is scheduled for Tuesday, June 20th  , 2017.  Plans are being made to mark the transistion of our Grade 8 students from elementary school to high school.  We hope to see all of you at this very important meeting!

Thank you,

Senior Pod

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