Monday, October 29, 2018

Hello Everyone.

It's Halloween Week with many things happening at the school.  Purchase your raffle tickets for the Halloween gift baskets.  Just $1.00 will buy you four tickets.  The draw will be held on Wednesday.  Also going on this week, the Pumpkin Carving Contest.  Bring your amazing creations anytime up to Wednesday morning.

We will be having a dance during Wednesday afternoon from 1:00 - 2:30.  You are all welcome to come to school in costume.  Please remember that costumes most also follow the dress code and no "weapons" accessories will be allowed.

Grade 7s have a Math test tomorrow so please, please, please get your homework done tonight.  Have a great afternoon everyone.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

A letter from Mrs. Reschny:

Dear Families,
Our Grade 7/8 students are once again planning a flash mob performance of “Thriller” at Victoria Square Mall.   This is a completely voluntary activity that many of our students look forward to each year. Students must be accompanied by an adult and have submitted a media release form to the office.  If your child would like to participate, here are the details:
What:  “Thriller” Flash Mob
When:  Saturday, October 27 at 3:00 PM
Where:  Open area by the food court at Victoria Square Mall
Wear:  Spooky costumes that permit movement and clear vision.
Why:  Just for fun! 
Please email me if you have questions at:

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Good afternoon everyone.  Please be advised that there will be no Track and Field this week.  The weather is not cooperating with us so we will have to reschedule for some time in the fall.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Hello everyone and welcome to October.  I can't believe the first month of school is already gone.  We have a very busy month in front of us so keep your eyes on the Important Dates to Remember for October.  The first thing you'll want to remember is our Pancake Breakfast tomorrow morning.  This is in honour of Mr. MacKenzie's birthday.  You'll also want to wear your Jack MacKenzie wear tomorrow.

We have a few short weeks this month.  There is no school this Friday, next Monday, and Friday, Oct. 26th. 

Have a fabulous day everyone.