Monday, September 30, 2019

Good afternoon everyone.  Thank you to my entire homeroom for your fabulous leadership at the Orange Shirt Day assembly today.  I was impressed with your maturity.  You really set the bar high for the rest of the school.

And now for something that some of you could work on . . . showering!!!!  It would be fabulous if before you return to school tomorrow morning, you showered, using soap. Wash your hair (shampoo works wonders), apply deodorant and put on clean clothes.  Please, Please Please!!!!  And if you don't mind . . . repeat that procedure each and every day.

Thank you and have a great evening.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Good afternoon everyone.  This is a reminder that all clothing orders for Jack MacKenzie wear is due tomorrow (Friday, September 20).  This includes any orders for senior sweater orders.  Tomorrow is also the deadline to return the forms to be included in the student directory.

Some of you have not yet remembered to bring photos, magazine pictures, etc. to complete your art portfolio.  Our final work period for this project is tomorrow afternoon.  Please bring the needed supplies.

That's all for now.  Have a good night!

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Welcome back to school.  I am so excited to be working with you all.  This is the page where you will be able to keep track of homework assignments and other important dates for each month.  Remember, you are also welcome to take a picture of the homework board each day but it's a good idea to keep checking in here too.  You never know when I'm going to forget to tell you something important and I'll post the information here. 

Have a fabulous rest of your day and thanks so much for the great start to the year.